In memory of a true hero, who left behind a legacy of fighting racism, risking his own safety and life along the way.

RIP John Lewis.

You will be forever missed, and we will never forget the sacrifices you made to bring us a better, brighter tomorrow.

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Mr. Lewis fought for us all -- and he won many pivotal battles.

But we still have work to do. The war against racism must continue.

It's well past time to bring about a future where all people, no matter their race, gender, class or beliefs, are treated as equals.

We must collectively deconstruct all forms of institutionalized racism.

We must reform, and bring about equal treatment for all people of all ethnicities, genders, classes and beliefs.

Until we achieve true equality insofar as treatment of all people, we shall not know peace--nor should we.

Let's make good trouble together. All of us as a team, united against fear, hatred and violence.

Remember that we are the future.

We are the change we wish to see in this world.

It's a moral imperative to promote the truth: we're all equals.

Let's keep making good trouble until we smash the white supremacist paradigm, and all other prejudicial constructs, in to dust.

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