it's really not "politicizing" a death to point out the important data point that an anti-masker died of the virus
we are really left, a lot of the time, to figuring out this thing through whatever data points we can collect, given the constant misinformation flowing from the degenerates currently in charge of our country
for instance: airplanes. Everybody's got an opinion, but where's the data? where are the studies? I know what "common sense" suggests, but I haven't seen an info one way or the other regarding transmission on planes.
if it turns out that air circulation and filtration is genuinely effective on planes, that changes a lot of things.
Like, I might see my dad again someday.
Anyway we are all sort of figuring this out on our own -- like, the fact that there was no spike after the protests was a very important data point. I still don't know what to think about outdoor dining, when "six feet apart" remains entirely aspirational.
In old sci fi novels, like something written by Asimov in which rational scientists were in charge of things, people would have these answers and be able to make informed decisions regarding the risks of living their lives.
We just have a degenerate narcissist who goes on camera every day and spews whatever lies he thinks will make him look good, or at least not quite as horrendous
speaking of data points: somebody in replies accused me of "milking" the story of my covid test, which I think I tweeted about 3 times, maybe 4. For ... followers? bells? nook miles? Anyway, it took 16 days to get results in NYC, and it's a data point.
Until testing is reliable and has very prompt results, it's useless to daily life. If I had been concerned about actual exposure, I would have gained nothing over simply quarantining.
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