Wanna see how disregarding facts and believing Trump and the GOP's BS can kill you?

A thread:

First of all, I can barely watch any cable news channel talk about the coronavirus because they keep giving us whole numbers, which means absolutely nothing.
9 of the 10 states with the worst COVID-19 outbreaks PER CAPITA are run by Republican Governors.

At #10 is Idaho, run by Republican Brad Little.

Over the past month, Iowa's infection rate has skyrocketed but Brad wears a cowboy hat s he doesn't give a fuck about masks.
#9 is South Carolina's governor Henry McMaster.

SC's confirmed cases has risen by 2,000% since March, but to be fair, Henry McMaster is stupid.

Seriously, he said masks give people a "false sense of security," so he said he hasn't issued a mask mandate
In the 8th spot is Ga, run by America's most corrupt governor, Brian Kemp.

Using his nose as a wet-wipe for Trump's anus is the only thing Brian Kemp loves more than stopping black people from voting.

Despite living around the corner from the CDC, he hasn't issued a mask order
#7 is Nevada and Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak

Steve Sisolak didn't issue a mask mandate until June 24 and tried to reopen the state's economy. To be fair, damn near all of Nevada's cases (86%) came from Las Vegas & Clark County

COVID happened in Vegas & actually stayed there
Number 6 is Tenn. and it's KKK-loving Governor Bill Lee.

Bill Lee SUGGESTS people wear masks, even though his number of new cases per day has DOUBLED since last month.

And people are really dying because he still won't issue an order.
In the 5 spot is Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.

Ducey refused to remove Confederate monuments because that's "hiding history," even though AZ didn't become a state until 1912

No mask order.

You thought I was gonna call him "Douchey" or "Dookie," didn't you?

I'm better than that.
#4 is Alabama. Y'all are gonna think I'm kidding but Ala. Gov. Kate Ivey said she didn't wanna MANDATE mask-wearing because it would just force people to wear masks, WHICH IS THE POINT!

Ivey didn't issue an order until 2 months after the ENTIRE capital city ran out of ICU rooms.
Louisiana is 3

Again, we're talking about PER CAPITA cases. In La., COVID is spreading EVERYWHERE. Gov. John Bel Edwards waited until July 14, to issue an order & stupidly allowed counties to opt out if they weren't hit bad

Only 3 counties in the entire state qualified
At number 2 is Mississippi, run by @tatereeves, the Trump-loving, Confederate-friendly governor who was a member of Klan-affiliated Kappa Alpha fraternity in college

Exactly one month ago, on June 30, Mississippi averaged 621 new cases of COVID-19 per day...
Yesterday, they had 1,505 new cases.

Of the 1,605 Mississipians who died from the coronavirus, 140 died in the last 7 days, 54 deaths for every 100,000 people.

Reeves has not issued a mask mandate.
And the reigning champion of stupid governors is Ron DeSantis, the high-key racist governor who warned a black man about "Monkey Business"

Ron Desantis looks like he doesn't believe in stuff like masks, gravity or that bullshit round earth theory.

But y'all...
Not only does Florida have more total cases the last week than any other state, but they have

The most total cases per capita in the last week
The second-most total cases overall
The second-highest number of deaths in the last 7 days
2 out of every 100 people in Florida has it
And it is getting HIGHER,

If you live in Florida right now, if there are 25 students in your child's class, that means there's about a 50-50 chance that 1 of the students in your child's class has COVID-19.

If you're a teacher, it means YOU LIVE IN FLORIDA!! WTF are you doing?
And why did I keep mentioning Confederate statues and the KKK when I'm talking about the coronavirus?

Well, here is a map of the US with coronavirus cases per capita. Aside from being controlled by Redneck Hee-Hawcasians, does anything else about these places seem familiar?
Well, here's a map of the Confederate and Union states during the Civil War.

Now I'm not saying that being a southern racist gives you the coronavirus...
But a man can dream, can't he?
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