The Kushner news - good political news to just let the blue staters die - is not a surprise. was clear at the time. They were more or less open abt pushing it off on the governors with the reasoning that fixing the mess would be hard. So why take ownership? If lots ...
2/ of people die just blame it on the governors. Again this argument was pretty transparent at the time and sometimes explicitly. Trump has only ever seen himself as President of the red states. Or President of the states that voted for him.
3/ He's pretty clear about this. And trying to fix his own mess or even trying to combat the epidemic in the first place WAS a huge challenge. If you screw it up everyone is going to blame you. But that's literally what being President is. You're telling the country ...
4/ "Let me take this on. I got this. I'll keep everything good." That's a huge responsibility to take on. But it's the job description. Trump has only seen this about the power and the bennies. When things got real and high stakes he just bailed. He focused most of his ...
5/ time and effort not on fixing the situation or saving anyone's life but on creating a new Articles of Confederation-like theory that the US is somehow like 50 separate countries. Or rather, is whenever it benefits Donald J. Trump.
6/ To him and his degenerate son-in-law, the politics seemed clear and letting a lot of Americans die was a pretty straightforward decision.
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