The Inquiry into Operation Burnham has released its report to the public. You can find and read the full report here: 
Nicky Hager has released his response to the report. You can find and read that on @ScoopNZ here:
Hager says “The Operation Burnham Inquiry report, released today, concludes that a child was killed and other civilians were injured during Operation Burnham, and that NZSAS officers denied and hid evidence of the civilian casualties." 1/n
"It finds a prisoner was handed over to torture and the same prisoner was assaulted by an NZSAS trooper. Thus, after nearly ten years of denials, the Inquiry has confirmed the main allegations in the book Hit & Run.” 2/n
“I am very pleased. This is a tremendously important result."
"...The Inquiry process was highly unequal. NZDF and other government agencies spent millions of dollars of public money trying to deny any wrongdoing, while the authors and public were not allowed to analyse and contest the agencies’ secret submissions and evidence." 4/n
Key findings according to Hager:
"Confirms civilians were killed and injured (and did not reach a decision for most other deaths whether or not they were civilians)" 5/n
"Confirms a child was killed (Mr Hager and the Inquiry differ over whether there is “sufficient evidence” to be sure she was called Fatima)" 6/n
"Confirms that reports of civilian casualties were denied and hidden by named SAS officers" 7/n
"Confirms NZDF did not give aid to the wounded (Mr Hager and Inquiry differ on whether it was legally obliged to do so" 8/n
"Confirms the NZDF mission failed in its objective; the troops did not capture or kill either of the insurgent leaders they were seeking" 9/n
"Confirms NZDF failed to investigate civilian casualties" 10/n
"Confirms no weapons were fired at the NZ-led forces at any stage of the operation" 11/n
"Confirms that, contrary to NZDF claims, the raid occurred in the two villages named in the book, Naik and Khak Khuday Dad" 12/n
"Confirms that both target houses were burned during the raid, and one of them was further damaged at a later date (however Mr Hager and the Inquiry disagree over whether this was deliberate)" 13/n
"Confirms the NZSAS breached the Geneva Conventions by handing over a prisoner to torture" 14/n
"Confirms an NZSAS trooper assaulted a prisoner while bound and blindfolded, again breaching the Geneva Conventions" 15/n
"Confirms Ministers were misled by NZDF" 16/n
"Finds the NZDF response to reports of civilian casualties was “deeply troubling”, reflecting conduct and events over a number of years" 17/n
"Finds a “surprising level of ineptitude and disorganisation within NZDF Headquarters”" 18/n
Mr Hager says “This is an extremely serious list of findings.” He also notes “Four former commanding officers of the NZSAS are found to have acted improperly. This is unprecedented.” 19/n
Hager details 5 findings he says that the Inquiry has got wrong. He says “We were never going to get every point over the line, against an army of lawyers and massive resources.” 20/20
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