My Ranking of Christopher Nolan's filmography (A Thread)

Exploring philosophical and metaphysical themes like memory and illusion, ethics and morality, deception and time, Nolan is going to go down as one of the finest filmmakers of our time.
10. Insomnia

Nolan's first big film. It lacks some of the most recognizable aspects in Nolan's big bag of tricks but it's still a masterful and suspenseful psychological thriller and detective noir
9. Following

This film laid the foundation of what Nolan would be known and appreciated for. The non-linear plot structure, film noir elements, the themes of morality, ethics and deception. One could say that it's the most Nolany film
8. Batman Begins

Nolan's first entry on the character of Batman is more than just a comic book adaptation, it's an immaculate depiction of ideals and themes using the caped crusader's world as a setting. It went on to become the template for superhero origin stories.
7. The Dark Knight Rises

An epic conclusion to Nolan's Batman saga. Inspired by Frank Miller's masterful comic, "The Dark Knight Returns", this film puts an emphasis on Bruce Wayne and explores his psyche while still being an action-packed blockbuster.
6. Dunkirk

Nolan is known for subverting the conventions of familiar genres in order to challenge our ideas about movies and he executes this perfectly in Dunkirk. Nolan plucks you in a war and uses time to give the audience a unique war film experience.
5. The Prestige

Rivalry, obsession, science vs magic and class warfare. Nolan pulls out every trick( no pun intended) in his pocket to adapt the fantastic book by Christopher Priest
4. Memento

Famous for its backwards narrative structure , Memento is about reality, memory, self-awareness, identity and time ,all within the context of an engrossing murder mystery .
3. Inception

If Following was the foundation, then Inception is the finished product. It's a smart, thrilling and innovative film that deals with philosophical and metaphysical ideas. The film's ending is still haunting the audience a decade later .
2. The Dark Knight

Heath Ledger delivers one of the most iconic performances of all time in this thrilling action crime epic. The film that revolutionized comic book films and it had a sizable influence on the Academy Awards which is still felt today.
1. Interstellar

I can't explain this in words
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