1) Before I can call myself an Advocate, I need to get something off my chest. Not sure who really cares or who reads this, but I want to put this out there… I have received multiple criticisms that in my books, I throw other SOs & different offenders under the bus.
2) I deserve this criticism. After re-reading some of my passages, there are some things I would like to take back. I was posturing, being defensive, and projecting—in order to elevate myself, psychologically. It was Bush League on my part to say the least. A blind spot.
3) My thoughts and stances about the criminal justice system have changed, regardless of offense. But the written word lends itself to permanence—something that haunts me a bit now. Being true to the art, words put to print were how I felt at the time. But my feelings were wrong.
4) I hope those whom I have upset or undermined will forgive me. Over time, I have realized that “crimes” are often the normal human response to something that was abnormal to being with. Trauma, inequality, mental health problems, dire living conditions, etc.
5) These responses have been criminalized. The crime, whether they be drug-, alcohol-, violence-, sexual (contact or non-contact)-, or financially-based are just different manifestations with similar origins. If I ever write a 3rd book, this would be the prevailing theme.
6) So, I am asking the Reform Community, who has greeted me with open arms, both on Twitter and within SO law advocacy groups, to forgive my prior mentality.
7) However, I do hope my error can have some good to come of it. The best way to get people to change their mind is to meet them where they are first & then nudge them. Perhaps my biases and rancor can match that of the uninitiated, & they might actually give reform a thought.
8) Sorry for the long thread. I just had to put it all out there. I want to fight the good fight. For ALL The System has subjugated.
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