Salespeople/marketers are some of the highest paid people in the world.

You must position yourself into a situation that will give you the opportunity for limitless growth and earning potential.

Tips for people struggling with sales.

- A Thread -

1. Sell for a brand or creator that will appreciate you for your skills.

That basically means the product should be so popular and well reviewed that it basically sells itself.

There are some courses on here that will get you looked at in a certain light.

2. Don’t promote a trash product or service or be part of some scam.

You're wasting your time and jeopardizing your business.

Find a creator with a legitimate product that rewards their salespeople for results by at least 50% commission.

3. Constantly focus on personal development.

Successful people must be confident in themselves.

That means
-Working our

Always improve and develop.

4. Read these books!

-How to Win Friends and Influence People
-The Millionaire Next Door
-The Richest Man in Babylon
-The Four Agreements
-The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
-Rich Dad Poor Dad

5. Check out videos and audiobooks by:

-Zig Ziglar
-Brian Tracy
-Jack Canfield
-Tony Robbins

Take tons of notes 📝

Focus on written personal goals and affirmations and keep them with you.

Your only limitations for success are the ones you set for yourself!

6. Know your product/service better than anyone.

Don't just become an expert, become a resource of knowledge for your customers and other affiliate marketers!

You will easily make yourself noticed, and make you much more comfortable tweeting and in the DM’s.

7. Learn every possible customer objection and develop multiple responses to it.


"Your Prices are Too High"

Sure, but wouldn't you agree that it makes more sense to buy on overall best value, and not just on the lowest price?

Use that 👆

8. If you're not passionate about your product/service, then you're not going to make it.

Faking it wont keep you in business. You need to be passionate about it.

If you’re not passionate, it’s not sustainable.

9. For God's sake, LISTEN!

One of the biggest mistakes I see by new marketers or salesmen in general are that they're too caught up in themselves.

The greatest salespeople know when to shut up and listen, pause, and wait for the customer to make their own mind up.

10. Even if they can only buy from you once, make them feel special for doing business with you.

I've received a lot of referral sales from my clients recommending my service to their friends.

If your product and service are outstanding, your name will get out there!

11. Set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals for yourself.

Keep them on notecards around your workspace and remind yourself frequently of what they are.

Keep your goals in front of you, and no doubt you’ll accomplish them and stay driven.

12. Sell solutions, not services or products.

You’ve probably heard that people love to buy but hate to be sold.

It’s true. Stop telling them the benefits and features of your product and services and focus on the solutions you offer.

In closing, I've had the good fortune of working with some of the best on Twitter and on other platforms.

I hope that this helps you all and gives you more to think about.

Go beyond affiliate marketing and think like a salesman.

It directly relates!

Coach out! 😎
You can follow @TheAffCoach.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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