The "rise and fall" of civilizations happens when one culture gets replaced by another culture. This happens when the *people* of a particular society are replaced, since each society and culture is the sum of the people who make up that society, along with their unique product.
Any civilization, regardless of race, will stand or fall depending on the level of homogeneity of its population.

Diversity leads to conflict and tension and less societal cohesiveness.
Culture cannot be separated from race.

Culture is largely the collective expression of the genetics/inherent characteristics of a people.

When you replace a country's population with foreigners of another race, then the existing culture will eventually not be carried forward.
Anyone who tries to tell you that race is merely skin color is either stupid or thinks that you are stupid.

🔥Watch the video that YouTube doesn't want you to see. And share it with friends.⬇️
One of the best videos to share. It explains so much. Despite being perfectly factual, it was banned by YouTube. Millions have watched various uploads of it. Fox News won't touch this subject, but people must know the truth.

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Why is Google censoring this other factual video? Why is learning about the biological reality of race considered forbidden?

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