OK, let's have a town hall on reopening Johnson County schools!

Link here, but we all know I watch so you don't have to: https://boccmeetings.jocogov.org/OnBaseAgendaOnline/Meetings/ViewMeeting?id=6354&doctype=1 1/
Dr. Areola, JoCo Director of the Department of Health and Environment, says that there will be no way to eliminate the risk when kids go back to school, but there are precautions that can minimize it. 2/
We cannot open schools at 9% infection rate. We cannot open school at 100 cases a day, Areola says.

"Now is not the time to have a house party" if you want to be in school this fall. 3/
Elizabeth Holzschuh, an epidemiologist, is explaining why elementary schools will be allowed to be in school full-time even when middle and high school are in hybrid. 4/
The reason is twofold. One, little kids are not transmitting this virus at the same rates. We know this from child care remaining open throughout the pandemic.

Two, in elementary school, classes can be kept together all day. Students aren't switching class like in MS & HS. 5/
Megan Foreman, who also works for the health department, says that even if elementary school students are able to be in school five days a week (permitted unless JoCo in the red), THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL WON'T LOOK LIKE IT DID LAST AUGUST. 6/
Areola says he'll meet with the JoCo superintendents August 17 to make his recommendations based on current conditions. He says "gating criteria" was developed with the school districts, and he expects some will actually be MORE conservative with reopening schools. 7/
Foreman says families will need time to plan if schools have to move out of a hybrid model back to remote learning. That will take 2-4 weeks in most districts (which I'm guessing some parents will have questions about, too). 9/
"We're going to have to learn together what terms like isolation and close contact means," Foreman says. Exposure = someone within six feet for more than 15 minutes. Masks help, social distancing help. It'll be health dept. making contact with families. 10/
Holzschuh says there will be kids sent home to quarantine because they are exposed at school, as there is lots of community spread right now.

Q: Why aren't you recommending a virtual start?

A, Holzschuh: Our child care data tells us we can bring elementary students back safety. We think that the benefits for older students are also worth it, even under current conditions (hybrid, unless things get worse). 12/
Parents, use good judgment when purchasing a mask for your child. If they can't tie their shoes, they can't tie a mask. đŸ˜·đŸ€Ł 13/
Holzschuh wants to emphasize that this gating criteria is for RIGHT NOW. That means if this isn't working to control the spread, the health department will change their recommendations. They're getting data directly from the schools. 14/
Foreman wants parents to prepare their kids for assigned seats everywhere they go. They will sit in the same place in the classroom every day. They will eat with the same kids every day. This will help with contract tracing. 15/
"Depending on where your student was in the building, how close they were to a person with coronavirus" determines risk for #COVID19. A positive case in a school doesn't necessarily mean your child was exposed, Holzschuh says. 16/
Foreman says the biggest challenge will be getting families to respect quarantine. If you have potentially been disposed, then you need to spend 14 days at home to make sure you're not incubating the virus. 17/
Parents need to be "more liberal" about keeping kids at home if they're feeling under the weather. (The kid who was great at faking being sick wonders how many kids will abuse this.) 18/
Loss of smell is nearly always coronavirus. Not all patients have this symptom, but if your kid is experiencing a sore throat or coughing, then have them sniff something like a candle to see if they can smell it. DEFINITELY keep them home if they can't! 19/
Holzschuh says mass testing before school starts isn't effective because you could test negative today and still have the virus building in your body.

Also, I know #COVID19 tests are coming back S L O W L Y in most locations. 20/
If a single student or teacher tests positive, but there's been masking and social distancing, the class won't have to quarantine, though there are may be add'l restrictions.

But there could be a quarantine if a second student tests positive in close contact with the case. 21/
Foreman clarifies that it doesn't just have to be a class. IT COULD ALSO BE YOUR SPORTS TEAM.

So if your kid wants to play their sport this fall, then make sure that your family is following the rules ... and encouraging others to do the same. 22/
Parents will be told if their child has been exposed ... in close contact with a sick individual.

They won't be told if a child is quarantining in their class if there wasn't close contact. 23/
Foreman says families won't all have to quarantine if one person travels to a hotspot. But, that person should stay in a separate bedroom and mask when with other household members who didn't travel. 24/
Q is about surfaces, including library books. Holzschuh says that we've learned that COVID is really respiratory droplets when speaking, singing, yelling.

But don't touch your face, nose and mouth if you can help it. 25/
Q: How do we keep staff and teachers safe?

A: Most child care transmissions were staff-to-staff. Foreman says that educators should not be at any higher risk than other adults back at work, but she knows there's a lot of fear out there. 26/
This town hall is supposed to end at 6:30 and appears to be wrapping up. Not that I don't love a good public meeting. But I also want to go to HH (downstairs, on my couch, via Zoom). 27/
Areola says that teachers and coaches are incredibly influential on young people, and they can encourage their students to follow the rules so that everyone can continue to learn and participate in their sports and activities.

And we're done! More tomorrow @kcur. 28/28
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