Are the Conservatives actually going to try to call in a progressively less senior series of political advisors? They had their shot at the prime minister. You usually save that for the end, not as the teaser for the assistant policy advisor.
Also, it used to be considered out of bounds on *all* sides to go after individual staffers, as opposed to ministers, on policy decisions.
My free suggestion would be to bring in Mary Ng, as she's the only one in the ministerial loop who hasn't yet testified.
Finally, as I do a fair amount of eyerolling at the questions coming from government-aligned MPs at committee, I feel I should give credit to Michael McLeod, who is SHAMELESSLY using his allotted time to push for more support students, especially in remote/Northern regions.
(I was also mulling over how, had events not gone differently, Sean Fraser could have turned every questions to the prime minister into a call for a full public inquiry into the NS shootings.
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