White people who deflect their own racism with positivity are the worst kind of humans.

Marginalized people aren't "full of hate" or "negativity" for identifying things that could be improved and the fact that you think that's what hate is, tells me everything I need to know.
Marginalized people bring joy to the world all the time. Just because you haven't tuned into ANY OF IT, doesn't mean it's not there. It just means you're not invested enough to spend time supporting their positive content. If you think accountability is "negative" that is on you.
The world will NOT improve without criticism and lets be honestly, without "mean" people like me calling that shit out, these white dudes wouldn't be doing JACK SHIT to help marginalized people and we all know it. Call me a monster if you will but you're showing your WHOLE ASS.

The world doesn't become a better place by simply shitting rainbows all the time and talking about how good everything is. It starts by holding OURSELVES accountable as well as what we love.
Criticism is NOT hatred. Criticism is not harmful. Criticism IS a way to uplift people by helping them learn, grow and get better. Criticism is NOT an "attack".

If you think I'm not bringing joy to people, you're just not paying attention.
It's astounding how defensive men in tabletop will get of a singular criticism of some shit they said when other people have receipts.

Do you have any idea the levels of ACTUAL harassment that marginalized people put up with? I get LITERAL hate mail sent to my HOUSE.
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