Over the last 3+ years, activists on Reddit have been engaged in a censorship campaign against detransitioners by targeting our main online community, r/detrans. Despite the use of unethical, site rule breaking & sometimes even illegal tactics, Reddit admins do nothing.

According to trans activists, detransitioners can convene so long as we express unequivocal enthusiasm for trans affirmation and the efficacy of medical transition. Only problem is, many detransitioners feel & were objectively harmed by both of these. https://twitter.com/AlexAlicit/status/1288171424335659008
Due to the presence of thought crimes against the trans movement, r/detrans has been labeled a "hate sub" on activist subreddits. Now, "hate speech" policies have forced mods to police users for expressing pain & negativity about the ideology & medical establishment that hurt us.
But this is not only a swarm of ideologues suppressing dissent against trans ideology & medical transition, this harassment has been an organized effort by some of Reddit's most influential trans activist users, extending back before the sub was even created. Let me explain.
The first subreddit for detransitioners was called r/detransition. It was run by a trans woman who experienced regret over her SRS, and made a community to connect with others who felt the same. One day, a post was made on another sub revealing that the mod had committed suicide.
Within a few petty hours of this announcement of her suicide, two moderators of Reddit's largest trans-positive subreddit, r/asktransgender, were installed as the new moderators of r/detransition. How did they know to take control so quickly? Why would they do that?
One user of the sub, jadepraerie, who would go on to found r/detrans after he learned of these events, began noticing all of his posts on the sub were being deleted. He then noticed that *all* posts by detransitioners were being deleted. He posted requesting answers to no avail.
So, who are these people, DrewiePoodle and CedarWolf, who became the new mods of r/detransition and began systematically erasing detransition-related posts from the site? DrewiePoodle, at least, is close to Reddit admin & has been invited to events at HQ to represent LGBT issues.
CedarWolf has not been spotted at such events to my knowledge, but is close friends with DrewiePoodle. Both are close with another character in this story, BardFinn (re: tweet #3), who is an active user of one of the largest activist subreddits, r/AgainstHateSubreddits.
On 7/10/20, r/detrans was banned for ~1hr. Though it was restored (for now), the event sparked despair & confusion in the vulnerable user base of r/detrans, many of whom are in crisis & use the sub as a main source for support, as detransition is a rather destitute experience.
Almost immediately, activist subreddits were flooded with posts celebrating the banning of r/detrans and other "TERF" subreddits, "We did it!".
Once detrans was restored, it was listed as having 0 moderators. BardFinn points this out in a reply to a post on r/AgainstHateSubreddits, and subsequently makes a request to take over the sub, which is allowed on Reddit if a subreddit is considered abandoned.
Reddit claims the ban and removal of mods was an error, and mods were restored. We mods speculate the sub was restored due to pressure thanks to a few big Twitter accounts incl. @AbigailShrier & @jessesingal highlighting the danger of removing support from a vulnerable group.
During and after the ban, one of our mods reached out to Reddit admin for some answers. He explained how mods have been trying to reach out to Reddit admin for years about constant harassment and brigading by trans activists, and his messages have gone ignored.
Brigading, the act of flooding a subreddit with offensive and/or rule breaking content in order to harass users or at worst terminate a sub, is against Reddit's site-wide rules. But when it comes to r/detrans, our reports of this behavior are ignored by the administrators.
Back to BardFinn. Clearly, this individual was involved in the temporary ban of r/detrans and intended to take over the sub after the fact. It is difficult to know exactly how BF was involved, due to the majority of organizing for these purposes being via private Discord servers.
But, we do have a few pieces of evidence of BardFinn's (& aforementioned friends) involvement in efforts to remove various "hate subs" thru dishonest means of infiltration.

First, in the screenshot below BF describes how "a group" uses infiltration to "deplatform the hatred".
What does this mean? Infiltration of this type is conducted by "a group" posting rule breaking or, like I said before, sometimes illegal content to a subreddit, and then reporting the content so the sub gets flagged as housing hateful or illegal content.
Second, we have this video from a previously heavy user of r/AgainstHateSubreddits, the "group" of which BardFinn speaks, who blew the whistle on the illegal tactics the group uses, specifically by posting child pornography to a subreddit. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vlTJnwygrFhZ/
Here you can see that BardFinn uses the same profile picture on Discord as Reddit, and was in fact the leader of the "group" that the whistleblower attempted to approach about their discomfort with using child pornography to take down subreddits.
We mods have accepted that it is only a matter of time before the likes of BardFinn and DrewiePoodle, two transgender users with extraordinary influence on Reddit (they moderate 60-80 subreddits each, many of them quite large), succeed in taking down our community. (BF on left)
We have also accepted that these people are close with the corrupt Reddit administration, and that both Reddit and the activists who run it have a vested interest in silencing the people who have been brutalized by transgender ideology and medical transition.
But we also don't believe it is right that activists who use child pornography to destroy subreddits they don't like should be able to continue doing so, especially to our subreddit which is politically diverse and centered around experience, without at least some backlash.
Thanks for reading. Credit for this information goes to my lovely fellow mods of r/detrans, who have tirelessly worked after my retirement to preserve this community despite near constant shifting goal posts and harassment.
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