We almost certainly won't know the results on election night itself. It's important to get things right. The baby-brain in the White House with the attention span of a gnat throwing a little fit about it doesn't change how this works.

Could be a day. Or a week. Or more?
Trump crossed the 270 electoral vote threshold at 3:04am the next day in 2016: https://uselectionatlas.org/INFORMATION/ARTICLES/ElectionNight2016/pe2016elecnighttime.php
Anyway, you get the idea, right? It's actually kind of rare for an election to actually be called *on* election night. Sure, we might have a pretty good idea where things are headed, but GTFOH with this "we MUST know on election night" bullshit
And anyone pushing it, whether it's the president or a right-wing media toady list Byron York, is just doing it for opportunistic reasons.
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