Dear white people, I know that you read a few anti-racism books, and I know you follow a handful of BIPOC activists on social media. But guess what? If you read ONE book, you read ONE perspective. If you follow ten people, you have TEN perspectives. (1/7)
While there is truth and authenticity in any BIPOC sharing their experiences and opinions, UNDERSTAND THAT ONE PERSON DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ALL OF US. (2/7)
Whatever “model minority” nonsense Andrew Yang spews does not resonate with all Asian folx. “How to be Antiracist” does not resonate with all Black folx. (3/7)
If you truly are committed to listening and learning from a diverse group of BIPOC folx on social media, you SHOULD see contradicting opinions BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN. (4/7)
What I’ve personally experienced this week is white folx weaponizing the minuscule number of resources they’ve consumed, and using them to police, silence, and “educate” other BIPOC who present a different opinion. (5/7)
When you come into the space of BIPOC and try to make OUR words and actions fit within the narrow ABAR lens that you just created a month ago, that is white supremacy in action. (6/7)
White folx, ya’ll have plenty of racist people in your families, friend groups, and workplaces, so use your energy to call in those people rather than intellectualize whatever you read about racism towards BIPOC and STAY. IN. YOUR. DAMN. LANE. (7/7)
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