As a dad of children with disabilities, disability rights are very important to me. The equal rights of all individuals should be the standard in our society and our justice system.
Unfortunately, money, gender, religion, status, race or disability, the rights of individuals are never equal. Today in America, we are able to see more clearly that the rights of the disabled are being taken advantage of, especially in minority communities.
Cases like Matthew Rushkin and Neli Larson recently come to mind making this issue’s importance ever more pressing.
Today we launch a fundraising initiative to create a legal defense fund for those with disabilities that have had their rights denied. All funds raised in this fundraiser will go towards the creation of the fund
Help us raise awareness by creating your best dunk video. It can be a ball, a cookie, or really anything that can be dunked. Then challenge your friends to #dunkanddonate in this #dunkontheworld challenge
You can follow @DWilkins21.
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