Twitter Business/Money has proved to me once again that we are truly connected in spirit.

A bunch of woke and amazing people on here....connecting like we’ve known for a long time.

Supporting ourselves like we are family...Actually we are.

I’m gonna have to tag some of you
guys in a bid to make this go round.

You might not be aware of this love being displayed on this side.

But it’s unbelievable.

Salute guys
@FreedomPathGo (congrats on 10k)
@oliviercantin (You’re appreciated)
@fatehshernu (Can I follow twice?)
@FitFounder (The soft spoken Asian)
@Hormetik (How’s Argentina)
@JK_Molina_ (The Special JK)
@CureIncome (Man your YT channel πŸ™Œ)
@TheAffCoach (The coach himself)
@HokeHustles (Brother HokeπŸ‘Š)
@lawrencekingyo (The Don🦍)
@devinmcdermot (War on Cheap dopamineπŸ§œβ€β™‚οΈ

Just to mention a few.

Salute from all over the 🌎
You can follow @Mike_Mustard.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword β€œunroll” to get a link to it.

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