Recent days have brought new highs in COVID case numbers nationally, 30 states w/ cases rising and many states with high test positivity, near peak hospitalizations, >1,000 deaths a day. We need to reset response, and we have a new report proposing how to do that. 1/x
1) Encourage, and where needed, require the fundamental interventions that lower risk of spread. Face coverings, physical distancing, limiting the size of gatherings (<10 in places where transmission high, 25 in places where disease under control).3/x
National, state, local leaders need to speak in unison about the importance of these measures. Political leaders should work hand in hand with scientists, both in development of policy and in communicating about and modelling that policy.4/x
2)Re-close higher risk activities and settings in jurisdictions where the epidemic is worsening and reinstitute stay-at-home orders in jurisdictions where healthcare systems are in crisis. Rising diagnostic test positivity is a warning that the epidemic is worsening.5/x
Signs of a hospital system under rising COVID stress include significant rises in hospitalized pts, pressure on ICUs, need to cancel elective procedures to make room, the need to surge up beds and staff, relocate patients out of the area, and/or start to ration medical care.6/x
Federal and/or state relief should be provided for those whose businesses rely on activities that increase risk of transmission and are closed in order to bring the epidemic under control. 7/x
3)HHS/ASPR should report publicly on the PPE manufacturing base, supply chain, overall capacity and projections for time ahead. We need to substantially increase national supply. 8/x
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