the argument of "that's pretty prideful of you to think YOUR church is the CORRECT one" used to make sense to me, because I was like "I mean, yeah that is pretty prideful"

but no
it isn't pride. it is trust in my God. I believe so strongly in Him, that I let His gospel speak for itself.

you don't think it's true? sorry, you're missing out on the fulness of the Gospel. this is it. there is absolutely NO doubt in my mind.
"but OTHER people believe that about THEIR religions!"

okay, but do their religions teach to seriously seek after that kind of revelation? are they actively taught to gain their OWN testimony instead of relying on preachers? not that I've heard of.
their faith is based on someone else's word. mine is based on MY experiences.

if somehow I end up being wrong (I won't) then I can guarantee that I know God well enough that my efforts will still be accepted. that's good enough for me.
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