have you seen him? that's right. this is albert, one of cygames's strongest gays. you see him everywhere. granblue fantasy. dragalia lost. he's originally from rage of bahamut! here's kind of an intro thread to albert in granblue fantasy. spoilers ahead in this thread!
albert is kind of an unsung hero in gbf imo? like most of the ssr characters! if you have him, he's absolutely a really good unit and i recommend using him especially if ur a beginner. anyway he's an awkward guy, but sweet and sticks strongly to what he believes in.
he also has... knee pain :) old man jokes are also pretty constant and in gbf that comes from a nickname a little girl he saved in his skill fate episode gave him. yes hes immature about getting teased like that. he is 25 yes but he acts both like an old man and a Baby
he's the captain of the sky knights of levin! he treasures levin deeply and has sworn to protect it.
events he appeared in:
eye of the storm (cygames Please Rerun this) - this event is focused around him and yurius and levin in general
000 along w/naoise, lancelot, and charlotta
and he appears in the last couple chapters of my beloved auguste, showing his summer alt which.... drove mostly everyone wild and the reason why i'm making this thread! he's not just some random hot guy!
what you can tell about albert from my beloved auguste is that he's extremely dense and also very not interested in women. he's gay, janet. and let me tell you why. meet yurius. that's your kenkyuu no seika da king.
here's their banter. please clap. https://twitter.com/albert_txt/status/1114741917634506759?s=20
also have u seen the levin sisters? they're my queens and mina deserves a gold star for dealing with albert's and yurius's shit.

mina (blue one) is the vice captain of the sky knights and has to look after levin when albert leaves to pursue yurius...
if u want to read lore for urself reading order is:
albert ssr intro + skill fate eps
albert event sr intro fate ep
mina sr intro + skill fate eps
eye of the storm event
albert event sr skill fate ep
levin sisters intro fate ep
yurius fate eps
albert ssr lvl cap + lvl 100 fate ep
i actually haven't read through mina and levin sisters fate eps so it's not required reading but it gives more insight on the levin sisters and then some on albert since mina, despite being tired of albert's shit, admires him a great deal and he's helped her more than he realizes
i actually have a write up of the basic history so here.
basically we know vaguely that albert and yurius are childhood friends. sorry for screenshotting a doc i just don't shut up. mind that albert doesn't know he's the king's son UNTIL yurius tells him in eye of the storm.
yes, so the current state is that yurius has fled the scene once again and has painted himself as the villain who ruined levin. it'll take a long time for people to warm up to yurius again, no matter what he does. yurius is such a tragic character man and i want him to come back
if you're curious about their relationship in rage of bahamut, this is a good thread to read! https://twitter.com/Dtx3D/status/1092226904827088896?s=20
their relationship in dragalia lost draws HEAVY inspiration from rage of bahamut, so i recommend you read their adventurer stories too. it goes from albert to yurius


of course all the gbf fate episodes are available on the wiki pages and you can read eye of the storm here. we'll patiently await for cygames to rerun the event or put it in side stories!

there's also a free quest (i think it was granblues? not sure) for alyuri but i basically screenshotted the whole story here https://twitter.com/nobleflamme/status/1245899740652470273
. ok sorry percival isn't in that quest by the way that was when my ign was percival for a joke. anyway!

please love and appreciate alyuri they're very much in love and so tragic i just want them back . yurius 5* uncap when. i love talking about alyuri so feel free to hmu!
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