Hearts recruitment highlights, a thread;
David Witteveen

Picked up this albino brick layer and inexplicably gave him first team minutes.

Scored a toe-poker against Rangers.

Fernando Screpis

Not often a player has a name that sounds like the disease they are plagued by.

"Why does your face look like that?"

"My bloody screpis is playing up again"

Juwon Oshaniwa

The literal physical embodiment of a Nigerian lottery scam. Sounded too good to be true and ultimately wound up being complete toilet.

Mind he just punched some cunt during a match for no reason?

3/10 (extra points for being a God nut)
Rafa Grezlak

The only player in our history to be signed because of how well he did slide tackling a dog in a local park.

Had one solid 90 minutes against Aberdeen then went completely hay wire.

Arkadiusz Klimek

A bold decision to take a picture with an animal with more footballing ability than you.

Watched him try to turn a defender and by the time he finished I was back at work. In Fife. 4 days later.

2/10 (extra point for the lovely horse)
Mauricio Pinilla

The KING fannybanger. Ratslapper Number 1. Came to Edinburgh with the sole intention of fucking every female on George Street and left the second he'd accomplished that.

10/10 (maximum points for the hair band)
Eduardas Kurskis

This cunt genuinely dropped a ball that he'd just caught OFF HIS OWN FUCKING HEAD that resulted in a goal.

Won a move to Hearts after winning a competition on Lithuanian TV to send in the most empty Wotsit packets.

Cole Stockton

Came. Blacked up. Left

Mike Tullberg

Do you know how many times I watched the video of him scoring an overhead kick?


Go look for it on YouTube. Every single view is from me.

His hamstring disintegrated like wet sugar paper the second he hit Edinburgh.

Donis Advijaj

Been a while since a player talked such a big game as this turnip. Shockingly a guy who's fucking name is DONIS turned out to be pony.

Restricted this to Budge/Romanov era.

Remember when Kenny Anderson fell on his face with no one next to him 🤦‍♂️
Tasos Avlonitis

Came on near the end of a game against Rangers and looked a player. Quickly transpired he was suffering from multiple, debilitating brain injuries.

Ricardas Beniusis

You know you've made it when you've already been affectionately nicknamed "Beni-useless" 8 minutes into your debut.

Came with a reputation for banging in goals. Struggled to put his shorts on the right way.

Dylan Bikey

Do you like shithousing? Not as much as Hearts do. Signed purely to bam up Hibs. Came in January, shot into the sun in May.

10/10 for the sheer pettiness of it all
Juho Makela

No this isn't a terminally ill David Witteveen. It's this useless bag of shit that somehow SCORED AGAINST BARCELONA

10/10 for all of the shits and giggles
Mirsad Beslija

The Bosnian Bullet, who someone shot around 50 minutes into his Hearts career and that was the end of that.

Fair play to him perfectly recreating the face my dad did the first time I told him how good Ru Paul's Drag Race is

Chris Hackett

I'm assuming this is Photoshopped because I've zero recollection of him getting any game time.

Hyped up as a pacey winger but for all I know he could have been a middle aged Carribbean woman.

Danny Swanson

Astonishing that this deal actually happened. What wasn't astonishing was the lack of fucking effort he showed while here. Would have been as well coming out in his jammies and having a wee sleep when the games kicked off.

Dawid Kucharski

Possibly the only Hearts player to ever start a slide tackle inside his own 6 yard box that was aimed at a player on the half way line.

Has the cold dead eyes of a man who's watched a Doberman eat his wife's arse at a swingers party.
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