Will Sonia follow Griffith/the moonlight boy to Elfhelm and be a culprit in an invasion? (Prediction/thread)
In ep. 250 Sonia has a dream of an owl and a kite playing in a moonlit forrest. Prior, Sonia had befriended Schierke and described her as an ''owl'', while she is the ''kite''. Obviously this refers to a future event. Could this forrest be Elfhelm and will they actually ''play''?
My answer is, no. In fact, i think these 2 friends will have to clash, as to why? In 358 Griffith transformed into the Moonlight Boy and is most likely headed to Casca, the mom of the child. The ability to travel through the world tree is the key here.
Meanwhile, Sonia also has the ability to navigate through the tree. She even tells Griffith that she would travel to the end of the world if he called her. Coincidentally she also says in 358 that she will go far away. Imo all of this is foreshadowing for her to land at Elfhelm.
Now imagine if Griffith emerges of the boy on the island, and Sonia has the ability to navigate through the tree. This scenario enables her to bring over the demon army to invade Elfhelm, for what reason in perticular i will discuss in another thread.
And with all that in mind, under a moonlit forrest an owl and a kite will ''play''.
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