1. Looks like @Rob_Fleming is choosing not to answer all the questions we posted here yesterday so I'll go ahead and share the back-to-school plan improvements that I think need to be made before September. Here goes .../2 #bced
2. Delay the student start date to Sept 14 at the earliest to give school staff time to work out classroom organization, timetables and figure out how learning cohorts will function. ../3
3. Add *significant* resources immediately to start recruiting more teachers, with the goal is reducing class sizes to a max of 15 ( @Rob_Fleming should have started working on this months ago but here we are) .../4
4. Ditto for finding and/or creating additional teaching and learning spaces, off site (think of meeting spaces out in the community) and heated, large tents etc. Spreading students out in more space is safer than keeping them in full classrooms. .../5
5. Make mask wearing a requirement for grades four and up, with exemptions for those who have difficulty wearing them (see Ontario plan). .../6
6. Supply every classroom with effective, high-quality HEPA air purifiers and upgrade poor ventilation systems in schools. .../7
7. Assess each school site to determine where installing physical barriers could be used and install them before schools starts. .../8
8. Have an easily accessible plan in place to ensure students who aren't comfortable returning to class can continue to learn remotely for all their courses, or ones they prefer to do online. .../9
9. Ensure any teachers, support workers or other school employees who have risk factors, or live with or care for relatives with risk factors, have the option to work remotely and don't have the jump through hoops to do so. .../10
10. Along with improved access to handwashing etc., ensure there are also enough staff washrooms so dozens of staff aren't sharing just one. .../11
11. What did I miss? #bced
Good idea - https://twitter.com/tomkertes/status/1288912745027403777?s=20
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