I'm not often personally vulnerable online, but I want to share something in a short thread.

I recently suffered some serious loss in my personal life. Heart-wrenching, gut-turning stuff.
Usually, if something like this happened, I'd:

- Fly home to see my fam;
- Grab a whisky with a mate;
- Get under some heavy weights in the gym;
- Help a student on campus with a difficult question, etc.

So many things that help me feel okay are just... gone.
Activities that help me lead a full and happy life have been unavailable for months.

What this latest set back has made me realise is that I'm not as resilient as I was five months ago. I'm not as strong and able to bounce back.

Lockdown has chipped away at my mental health.
It was supposed to be three weeks. Then it was five. Then it was three months. Now it's... who knows.

For a disease that's nowhere near as deadly and dangerous as they said.
Now I don't have the energy right now for arguing about whether the limitations imposed on my contemptible middle-class existence are justified, etc.

I still have a job, I'm materially okay.

But my experience raises an important general point.
The mental health crisis that will result from this lockdown is going to be disastrous. Regardless of race, socio-economic status, families and individuals are going to be grappling with the effects of these seemingly endless restrictions their lives for years to come.
Depression, anxiety, substance abuse, divorce, you name it. That's going to be the pandemic that we're left with for years to come.

If you think we weren't equipped to deal with Covid, wait till you see how useless we'll be at dealing with these issues.
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