I’ve been thinking about models we could develop that could in theory 1) allow us to act collectively 2) offer material security 3) allow us to develop culturally on our terms.
The model I have in mind is kind of crazy. But it’s only crazy relative to norms that don’t hold weight anymore imo. It upsets boomer visions of the Free American but fulfills a much deeper Americanism I think
The creative work of the future isn’t more/cooler media product. There’s no coherent/meaningful context for it. Releasing an album or a book & your flushing your vitality into digital toilet ocean.
The creative work of today is to build our own society
I mean this in as literal sense as possible; actual communities, binding institutions, shared norms~ the very context for worldly life itself.
Here’s the Crazy American Futurism: the vehicle for this will be a for-profit Church.
“We believe we ~The National Church~ are obligated to collectively build functional societies for our members. Generating profit is therefore a religious duty”
It’s called The National Church not bc it’s claiming to be a State church, but bc it believes the Bible recommends the Church see herself as a Nation ~ as in Natal/familial
Are we hostile to the USG? Of course not! We’re happy we live in a Free country where we’re able to grow & prosper. & bc we generate so much taxable income, struggling municipalities are eager to welcome us. Everybody wins
Members are required to commit X% of income in “seed” phase, during which businesses that will become Church-owned are developed & launched.
Eventually church building is constructed. Members are obligated to adhere to strict, pro-social codes of conduct or risk forfeiting all “shares” . Leadership will vet all entrants
If all goes well, a planned community comes next; housing, schools, shops, recreation, etc.. Huge amount of vital creative energies needed here. I’m not talking Boomer condos here, but functional, beautiful spaces
OMG this sounds like a cult

America is made for “cults”. It’s the only coherent exit. LDS & Scientology (not comparing their claims here, just form) are very well situated to deal with whatever comes next.
Each “node” church caps at Dunbar number. Nodes will help seed new nodes~ growth must be moderate, particularly as accreted capital allows for faster growth; nodes must prove themselves before accessing *full* status
Obviously a lot to figure out here re economics, internal political structures, etc, but again this is where our pent-up (& otherwise flushed to toilet sea) creative vitalities Must Go.
In terms of doctrine/theology too ~ we can do this. We can’t count on institutions that effectively hate us to legitimize us. If this seems Good & Right we ought to believe it’s True.
Sounds like you’re working backwards from conclusion

Much more to say about this but need to hear from you guys
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