Hey @MichealMartinTD I just wanted to introduce myself, I ran 6 shows on behalf of the promoter in Musgrave Park last summer. Generated 100s of thousands in VAT, employed 100s of people and generated millions for Cork City. I just wanted to let you know that of the ten SMEs /
that supplied us on those shows, seven of them reckon they will be out of business by September 1st. SEVEN companies employing 100s of staff due to your inaction in relation to the Live Entertainment Sector. This years shows are rescheduled to 2021 @MichealMartinTD , they
Will bring over 100,000 people in to Cork City, generate in excess of one million in VAT, fill every hotel room for a fortnight, every bar, every restaurant. That’s as long @MichealMartinTD as we have SMEs and skilled staff to run the shows which we won’t if you continue /
with your current insane attack on the SMEs of Ireland and the Live Entertainment Sector as a whole. I hope the wider tourism sector in Cork City is aware of the amount of business you are going to deprive them of. @yaycork @MetropoleHotel @ConciergeCJohn @idahocafe @pure_cork
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