This may be accurate, but I think people focusing so hard on this group aren't paying enough attention to the break down of a whole lot of other things in our society, of which this group is just a symptom.
It's remarkably easy to lose your bearings and look for answers from somewhere (including the insane) when the things you used to look to, like traditional media, are in the throes of their own nervous breakdowns.
Why does this group grab the attention of people? Because more traditional institutions are gone or dying of suicide.
Yes, it's insane. Take a look at what some people on the Left have been peddling in the last four years. People like Seth Abramson and Louise Mensch have been peddling insane conspiracy garbage with nary a peep and in some cases, a huge assist, by supposedly reputable outlets.
Also, do we think things like these riots and insane ideas about defunding the police, etc. aren't in the same quasi-religious vein? Because they are. These are also people searching for meaning and symbols in the insane.
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