nct dream as parts of a cell : a thread
mark : nucleus

- the leader
- controls and manages the members
- keeps everything in order
- necessary for the proper function of the cell
- patient and caring
renjun : ribosomes

- small but important
- produces nutrients that keeps the cell going
- lie freely in the cell or will stick to the rough endoplasmic reticulum
- very useful
haechan : mitochondria

- the powerhouse of the cell
- everyone needs him & everyone loves him
- no mitochondria ? cell aren’t happy
- cute, small, necessary
- generates energy
jeno : cell membrane

- barrier that protects the cell
- takes care of everything and everyone
- soft but also strong
- he protecc
- big
jaemin : vacuole

- stores everything the cell needs
- responsible
- someome has to cover the cell necessities
- stores talent but hasn't showed everything yet !!
chenle : cytoplasm

- underrated
- organelles live bc of him
- nice, solid but soft base for everyone's function
- squish
- full of talent
jisung : rough endoplasmic reticulum

- in the center with the nucleus
- works for the well being of the cell
- makes proteins that helps the cell function
- can't get the ribosomes off him
- ᵇᶦᵍ
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