A brief history of Representative Jim Butler's ties to anti-vaxxers:

Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (an anti-vax group) first had members meet with him in November of 2016.
Targeting him was a good move, and it paid off in May of 2017 when HB 193 was introduced and Butler signed on as a cosponsor. It would have made it illegal for health care facilities to require employees get a flu shot, thus putting patients at a greater risk.
(it's also worth nothing that Rep Hagan, Rep Hood, and Rep Vitale were (and still are) heavily anti-vax as well, can't say for certain on the rest of the sponsors)
In 2018, they found a different way for Butler to help them. HB 559 was introduced. The bill did not impact vaccine exemptions. What anti-vaxxers didn't like about it was that it required parents to hear about the risks of not vaccinating.
They showed up in force to testify against the bill, and with Butler on their side they were asked softball questions in an effort to give them more time for testimony. The bill died in committee.
(it's very common to limit testimony length to 3 min depending on the number of people who want to testify, if they had wanted more time they should have organized a smaller group lmao)
Later on in 2018, OAMF invited Rep. Butler to speak at their "Health Directions Series" on aluminum. Another speaker was James Lyons-Weiler, an anti-vax "researcher" who publishes "science" through a nonprofit he controls.
Then came 2019, and HB 166 (a budget bill) included a provision that would have let charter schools deny students who aren't vaccinated. Butler used his influence in the conference committee, and the provision was removed.
Now it's 2020. With Householder out as Speaker, they see this as their chance to get Jim Butler into one of the most powerful positions in the legislature. They want this, badly. If he wins, I want to see coverage of his anti-vax stance. PLEASE cover it I'm begging you.
If anybody has any questions on what anti-vaxxers believe and why, I'm here and I don't bite!
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