Several great articles published today stress the importance of proper ventilation, in addition to distancing & masks, in limiting the spread of COVID: 1)  2) 

But there's a related issue that demands more attention: Winter is coming
For months it's been increasingly clear that the greatest risk of spreading and catching COVID likely comes from spending time close to others in enclosed spaces, esp where air is stagnant or indoor air is circulated without good filtration.

Key points from @linseymarr:
Ideally, then, typically indoor activities should be moved outside if feasible—e.g. public dining—in addition to distancing/masks. In that respect, those of us in warm and temperate climates have had an advantage.
U.S. leadership could have used this strategy much more widely & effectively, for example preparing schools to transition to primarily outdoor/virtual classes.

But what about regions where weather and cold temperatures make outdoor activities impractical or unsafe?
Yes, there are potential indoor solutions involving the installation of high-quality air filters. But given all the ongoing issues w/ panic buying, competition for protective equipment, & supply chain disruption, the swift & universal adoption of such filters may be problematic.
Considering how contentious the simple act of wearing a mask has been in the U.S., how abysmally U.S. leaders have failed to enact cohesive plans, and how lax much of the American public continues to be about the risks of COVID, fall/winter is an especially frightening prospect.
The cold & gloom will drive more people inside more of the time, by necessity & choice. The prolonged isolation amid the holidays will make it especially difficult to resist seeing loved ones. Even if people want to properly ventilate they may be unable or unwilling to do so.
By mid to late March, the benefits of universal masking were clear to those who were paying attention. Since then, the evidence has only strengthened. Yet, four months later, people are still arguing.

Will the same happen for ventilation?
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