The talk of stockpiling is happening again... just like back in March, and I wanted to talk about that a little bit. (Thread)
I understand the impulse to stockpile. I don't want to run out of things should shutdowns start happening again in a widespread fashion. No one wants to be at home and run out of food, or TP, or necessities.
But, I have also recognized a couple of things:

1) Stockpiling is a privilege not afforded to many/most. Because I have a little extra in my bank account, I can afford to snatch everything up and leave nothing for the next person.
This reminds me of what was happening in the church at Corinth around the celebration of Communion. Those with means devoured everything and left nothing for those who were without. At the Table, all people should be fed, and yet it became a dividing line of exclusion and hunger.
When I stockpile in a way that keeps my neighbor from meeting their basic needs, I am not loving my neighbor as myself.
2) I have my wants and needs all mixed up. I wonder if anyone else feels this way, too. I complain about running out of something at home, or not being able to do something I want, but I have never had to go without. Not once. I'm fed, sheltered, clothed, and healthy.
I think my tendency to complain comes (in part) from a mindset of scarcity. There's this lie in our society that there isn't enough for everyone and that I have to take what's mine or someone else will get it, and I'll be without. We are planted in an economy of scarcity.
God's economy is all about abundance. Not abundance for myself, but an abundance that looks like enough for us all. I'm called not to fill my pantries, but to make sure my neighbors are fed. I'm called not to worry about hoarding for myself, but to share of my loaves and fishes.
I'm trying to be wise about the weeks and months to come. I'm trying not to waste, and to be frugal and to think ahead. But, I'm also resisting the impulse to take care of me and mine at the expense of my community.
A mindset of scarcity is a poison. God's economy of abundance brings life, love, and wholeness to everyone - not just myself. May God help me repent of my selfishness and begin to live as a bringer of the kingdom on earth.
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