I’m so tired of people trying to or successfully exploiting the American Voter b/c they know we aren’t political science majors. We all have jobs or had them. We specialized in other services, disciplines- and b/c of that we are being punished & exploited.
Do we all need to live on the dole so we can rededicate our lives to politics every waking moment. Is that what this will take? Because I’m sick of public meetings held when the rest of us have to be at work ensuring only old white retirees can show up while the rest of us work
There’s something disgusting about big CEOs colluding w/ politicians to exploit the people who work for said CEO- they make sure we are overworked & the Poly ticks make sure to hold meetings at some unholy hour where we can’t participate, observe etc w/out a bottle of jolt.
And then when the shit hits the fan- we the voters are blamed for everything. I’m so fucking sick of that too. I’m sorry I don’t remember every second of public school civics class from 30 years ago. Have fun exploiting that- I’ve been retrained in several other professions...
But who cares right? And this is also why our special days to vote aren’t national holidays. Those big CEOs don’t want us all turning out to vote for more regulations omgerd that would mean no 59th summer home in the Hampton’s and we just can’t have that can we.
I don’t remember all the amendments, or laws that are relevant. I know a thing or two but big picture? Not much. The DARVO tactics aren’t just for Russian agents- never forget that. It’s also used by American profiteers against American citizens in the realm of politics and labor
The Who point of a fabric of the nation is that we share the labor of running and supporting this nation. But increasingly that load bearing work has been transferred to the American worker til it all settles at the bottom of the ramp- where the lowest paid, least insured & edu..
And least educated reside. The people least likely to have the education and resources to even know when or if to push back. This is why public edu is so important - it’s also why labor laws that protect the worker are so important & why fair tax rate for corporations are as well
You average blue collar worker had at least one full time paying job or several part time jobs + a family to care for, a household to run, with substandard healthcare coverage & shitty car and home insurance that eats into our paychecks but often doesn’t pay out well
And now we content with glitchy unemployment websites, closed unemployment offices unmanned help lines, foreclosures & evictions loom on the horizon to be followed by car repos, and late fees and cancelation fees. Oh so which amendments did trump break today 😒
Vote every republican out that you can and make sure all politicians know we won’t put up with this shit from them. We all work hard enough our lives should be prosperous and they aren’t. And now we are headed for a Depression.
As usual autofill or autowreck helped me out - WHO is supposed to be whole and content was supposed to be contend - but siri knows better than I what words I should choose 🙄
& before anyone imagines I’m advocating for ignorance - I’m saying that all our time at the bottom is taken up by surviving. If you want an educated workforce of voters- then we need the time & resources to be educated & to participate. Otherwise you got no complaints-
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