Everyone by now knows about the language policy in the National Education Policy 2020. I thought I will focus on lesser reported/known articles that caught my eye.
There is a recognition and thrust on Foundational literacy and numeracy.
There is talk about providing breakfast along with mid-day meals.
The acknowledgement that previous policies focussed on access and now it is time to focus on quality.
Reduction of curriculum to allow focus on other things ...
To speak bilingually about science, maths and other things ... it is interesting.
For a policy document, there is an explicit activity listed on learning to appreciate the range of Indian languages.
There is a mention of computation thinking and coding. Which is interesting to me.

Of course, this para lists a 100 other things as well :)
The policy recognises the "coaching culture" and its associate problems.
How well they will succeed is not clear. But the ability to take two exams will definitely reduce the "stakes."
Olympiads (among other things) as a way to get into an IITs etc a welcome step. This may encourage some students away from the usual coaching classes to something more meaningful and challenging.
There is talk about setting school complexes.
Teachers may be saved from non-teaching activities.
Higher education institutions will also be part of clusters to be multidisciplinary.
A much needed clean up ...
A push towards liberal arts ...
The return of the 4 year undergraduate degree, after some unfortunate missteps. This is big.
MERU? Love for acronyms continue!
PhDs and teaching ...
We will have RSA, hopefully unencrypted :)
Let me stop here. Overall, may interesting points. The proof is of course in the implementation. It would be interesting to see where this leads.
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