Thread - COVID-19 Facts That Flatten the Fear

1. I just found a website called “flattenthefear(dot)com” that was recently established by the Jobs Creators Network Foundation. Here is how the JCN Foundation describes itself:
1A. Job Creators Network Foundation is a nonpartisan organization founded by entrepreneurs like The Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus who believe the best defense against bad government policies is a well-informed public.
1B. JCN advances this mission through the Employer to Employee education program (E2E).

Read more about JCN here: 
2. BTW, Bernie Marcus is an YUUUGE Trump supporter. The JCN Foundation CEO is Alfredo Ortiz:
2A. Alfredo Ortiz is the president and CEO of the Job Creators Network, where he leads the defense of small businesses from the onslaught of bad government policies. He is a frequent commentator appearing on cable news networks including Fox Business and CNBC.
2B. His writings also regularly appear in national outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNBC and The Hill.
3. The “Flatten the Fear” website from the JCN Foundation is an admirable endeavor to cut through the nonsense associated with “COVID-19” (I prefer “ChiCom virus”). Here is their updated post as of 7-20-20, with links reference throughout:
3C. Ten percent of counties account for nearly 90 percent of all deaths. Roughly 30 percent of the counties in the country haven’t experienced a single coronavirus death. Nearly half of all coronavirus deaths have come in nursing homes.
3D. In many states, nursing homes and assisted living facilities account for far more than half of all deaths—around 80 percent in Minnesota and around 70 percent in Ohio. More than 80 percent of all Covid-19 deaths are among those over 65 years old.
3E. Those aged under 55 account for just eight percent of all Covid-19 deaths. If you are 34 years old or younger, your probability of dying from Covid-19 as of June 3rd was 0.0005 percent.
3F. The overwhelming majority of deaths are among those with at least one other underlying medical condition. For six percent of the deaths, Covid-19 was the only cause mentioned.
3G. Most ICU admissions—in some cases 75 percent or more—are not COVID-related. The resumption of elective—yet vital—surgeries are contributing to increased ICU-utilization rates around the country.
3H. More children die each year from the flu than COVID-19.
3L. The American Association of Pediatrics and the National Academy of Sciences conclude that children can safely return to school. AAP statement:
5. The #Dementiacrats point to Europe for examples of how to “fight the virus” yet they cannot name a single different action taken different from what we’ve done in the US. In fact, the EU has done LESS on a country by country comparison!
6. Yet they are opening their schools and returning to normal. It is the #Dementiacrat Party that is keeping the US shut down – exclusively for what they perceive to be their own crass political motivations. They are going to get creamed in November. ///The end.
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