REALLY interesting chat with @AstraZeneca on #BBCNewscast about the Oxford COVID19 vaccine. They’re working on the basis you’ll need TWO doses and will then be protected for 12-24 months. (1)
They’re expecting another set of efficacy results from trials in the U.K., Brazil, South Africa and the US. in October and plan to start shipping the first of 2bn doses for general use this year... if it works. (2)
The logistical effort is massive and unprecedented with twenty delivery partner firms and two licencees, millions of glass vials and lots of bioreactors (not quite sure what they are.) With parallel supply chains for individual countries to guarantee delivery. (3)
They’re also working on a treatment that generates antibodies for those whose immune systems don’t. A cancer drug and a diabetes drug are entering trials soon as potential #COVID19 treatments. (4)
Are you like the shady Big Pharma characters in Contagion on @netflix?
They’re aware of the “baggage” that drugs company carry so they’re doing this on a non-profit basis. (5)
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