Today is the first day in this revolution that I don’t feel angry but terrified.
I know y’all feel very smart about tweeting how trump can’t delay the elections.

Have you in ANY way been paying attention though? The rules do not matter to this man or the GOP. Winning does.
You all take democracy for granted in this country. As a German, let me tell you that democracy is not a fixed system, it’s not immovable, it’s not infallible.
People like trump have undermined democracy for decades. Democracy has to be upheld and defended.
Pretending that the good old rules will prevail is naive.
They already haven’t prevailed. Trump lost the 2016 election because he undermined and exploited a system that is fundamentally not democratic.

Don’t pretend the rules are going to fix this for you because they won’t.
“He can’t do that” is where your democracy dies because he only can’t do that until he does.
That’s how dictators operate.

Hitler was elected. And then he eroded democracy bit by bit, step by step, increment by increment until we had a dictator and millions of dead people.
Stop pretending that the system will protect us from him because it won’t. You’ll find yourself with terror and regret in a few years because you’ve believed that a fundamentally broken system will protect you from authoritarianism.
It’s time to draw the line.
Activists right now and for the past 4 years have been feeling like they are standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming, and nobody can hear them.

And every step of this horrible way y’all go “BUt wHat AbOut tHe rUlEs?”
They. Don’t. Mean. Anything. To. Dictators.
Remember a few weeks ago when Trump called antifa and BLM protesters terrorists?
Y’all were like “He can’t declare ppl terrorists like that!”

And here we are with federal officers throwing people into unmarked vans and charging them with felonies.
When are you going to wake up from the cozy dream of the democracy bastion you believe you live in?
Democracy the way it is in the US hasn’t worked for marginalized people in many many years. Large amounts of ppl don’t believe their vote matters.
Democracy won’t save you.
I don’t know how many more ways I can say this. In how many more ways I can scream this from the rooftops.

FOLLOW the lead of marginalized people on this. Pretending democracy will save us is privilege.

Your high horse of “He can’t do this!” will mean fuck all when he does.
You can follow @Gaohmee.
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