This is why “Trump can’t postpone the election!” isn’t comforting. The fear isn’t that he’s going to order the election suspended and we just won’t have one. The fear is what he and his loyalists will do to delegitimize the election. A thread: 1/
Suppose Trump issues an unconstitutional executive order (as he has done repeatedly) suspending the election. 2/
The more extreme Republican state officials follow his lead with various actions like suspending elections in their states, ordering state and county LEO to shutdown polling places, refuse to certify election results, etc. 3/
They say "this is all normal" just like we postponed primaries for COVID. Yes, of course, those are very different things but that's always their response to outrage over voter purges/closing polling places/voter ID/etc. 4/
While Dems piss/whine/file briefs, RW militias (3%ers, Boogs/Oath Keepers/Bundy types/garden variety gun nuts who fetishize armed confrontation with the federal govt) occupy the area around the White House as well as government facilities in states (already happened in MI) 5/
Trigger happy boogs instigate a confrontation with either protesters or LEOs (already happened in Minneapolis) ordered by sane governors to protect the integrity of the election, which is the excuse Trump needs to declare an insurrection and suspend habeas corpus. 6/
Trump’s personal militia (BoP/CPB/Marshalls) begin rounding up dissidents (already happening in Portland), but on a national scale. Some GOP governors involve their state National Guards as well. 7/
Even if enough votes are cast to defeat Trump in states able to hold Nov. 3 elections, the legitimacy of the election is questions by all: Trump loyalists who claim the original EO is valid, and constitutional dissidents rightly noting the election was not free and/or fair. 8/
Results for not just the presidential, but also down ballot, are questioned. The sole remaining remedy to remove Trump from office becomes an armed confrontation between government forces loyal to the constitution and government forces loyal to Trump supported by militias. 9/
What in the last 4yrs indicates this scenario is far fetched? Trump refuses to comply with judicial review, claims immunity to congressional oversight, flagrantly violates settled law, tramples on police powers reserved to the states w/ secret police rounding up dissidents. 10/
All while maintaining a critical mass of support among at least 30% of voters and GOP enablers in Governors mansions, state legislatures, and Congress. Not to mention his executive branch appointees and the unqualified ideologues he has packed into the judiciary. 11/
Let’s say all that or a scenario like it happens. What comes next? Even if the Trump loyalists blink and stand down, where does this leave us as a country, as a democracy, going forward? 12/
What happens to the most extreme holdouts? What happens when GOP state governments refuse to prosecute the participants? These are all questions that it would be prudent for us to start seriously discussing and planning for. 13/13
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