EDUCATION LEADERS: Read @zeynep's article to keep educators & students safer.

In short, we need less #HygieneTheater & more focus on ventilation since COVID-19 may spread via falling droplets AND floating aerosols. Social distancing works for the former, not the latter. 1/
You don't even need to read the full article as I pulled the three most important paragraphs for school policy.

Tufekci argues that "we should focus as much on ventilation as we do on distancing, masks, and hand-washing." 2/
To address ventilation problems, schools can:
— Open doors/windows
— Hold outdoor classes
— Turn on classroom fans
— Run portable HEPA filters (esp for hot places)
— Upgrade filters to MERV 13+/meet ASHRAE standards
— Prioritize outside air over energy-efficiency in AC systems 3/
Most schools and universities seem to be focusing on social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand-washing, but ignoring ventilation needed to address floating aerosols. My previous tweet offers suggestions education leaders can reasonably implement to make schools safer. /4
And I am CCing local education and community leaders in my community ( @jkwilsiii @UNTPrez @TWUpres @ghudspeth1 @briggsfordenton ) here because I think we need to all contact leaders and discuss how we can address indoor ventilation in addition to other COVID-19 measures. /5
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