Two people can arrive at the same conclusion via different paths. Don’t assume that because you recognize the destination, you know the route...
It’s a logical fallacy to say, “A believes B because of C; X also believes B, it must also be because of C.”

It’s naive to think there is only one reason to believe something. Ex.: “If you think systemic racism exists, it’s because you’ve bought into Critical Race Theory.”
If someone cares for the oppressed because of Moses, the prophets, and Jesus...but someone else does because of Marx, don’t assume the first person is also a Marxist.

Ideas have complex genealogies that criss-cross and overlap and mutate. For example...
Some historians suggest that Marx was trying to replicate the church in Acts without their faith as the foundation and framework — a Christ-less attempt at Christ-like community. That makes Marx wrong, but not Jesus or the Church. So, by all means...
...reject Marx for trying to get Christian fruit without Christian roots, but for Christ’s sake (seriously), don’t reject the fruit of that comes from the Spirit of Christ.
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