Still thinking about this book. The title actually made me gasp aloud. It makes me very sad & angry to think of adoptees or kids in foster care who might encounter/be harmed by it.
from a (rave) trade review: "Each longs to be adopted, but would-be parents reject them when they see the kids’ atypical attributes: Lotta’s 12 fingers, Egg’s East Asian ancestry (other characters default to white), Fenna’s muteness, clumsy Sem’s ears, and Milou’s wild ferocity."
even if I, an adoptee, was tempted to try to "reclaim" a word as harmful as "unadoptable" to try to seem funny or clever, I wouldn't try! because I know it has already and will hurt plenty of kids in real, tangible ways.
and having kids be considered (yes, even by a villain or other clearly coded "bad people") "unadoptable" because they are disabled (??), or Asian (??)—really, no one questioned this?
millions of people have been impacted by #fostercare & #adoption, yet there's so little awareness about how to write our stories with respect & care. listen to & publish more adoptees, publish #ownvoices, please don't give THE UNADOPTABLES to adopted kids.
thx for bearing with me; I'm going to continue to add threads & comments from other #adoptees and those who were in #fostercare. Please read this thread:
the term "unadoptable" has hurt and continues to hurt a lot of people; it really did not have to be a book title
Cannot get over the choices made here re: a book for CHILDREN. Do people even realize just how many kids are #adopted, in #fostercare, and/or are not able to live with their birth parents? It's a pretty huge group to just decide not to think or care about.
My heart hurts thinking about the adopted kids who'll receive this book bc someone thinks they'll "relate," the kids who'll happen across it at a library, the kids who'll get taunted *because* of this book(yes: #adoptees still get called "unwanted" & all manner of other things).
I hope #adopteetwitter keeps speaking out about this, and I also hope that adoptive parents who care & see the problems here back us up.
<3 @authorMsBev
thank you @evergreenqveen for sharing your experience with #fostercare & #adoption and talking about the direct harm caused by the term "unadoptable" (which does not belong on the cover of a book for kids). I hope many people pause and reflect. <3
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