Breaking: @DHSOIG slammed Puerto Rico's power utility for failing to control costs of rebuilding the electrical grid after Hurricane Maria, leaving itself open to gouging by contractors Cobra and Whitefish.
Among the highlights: Power utility (Prepa) ignored "multiple substantial rate increases" put in place by Whitefish after the signing of its initial contract in September 2017
Whitefish raised its labor rates twice, taking cost of an apprentice lineman from $83/hour to $188/hour
Whitefish equipment rates also went up by.... a lot
The contract also added rates for labor/equipment with "exorbitantly [high]" mark-ups for subcontractors
These cost increased went largely unnoticed at Prepa which was paying the bills
. @DHSOIG found Cobra billed $117 million for work without completing purchase orders that are supposed to establish a timeline and cost ceiling for a particular project
Prepa paid millions of dollars in cost overruns without the required documentation
The report also criticizes FEMA for failing to verify that Cobra was being properly supervised before releasing federal funds
Taxpayer money may have been paid out improperly, and because of Prepa's bankruptcy, may be difficult to get back.
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