Since Christian Twitter seems abuzz with discussion on how to have disagreements graciously, I want to explore that further. While on vacation last week, I made a commitment to posting life-giving, non-snarky things. I like that version of myself.
And then I went ahead and posted something fairly snarky on Eric Metaxas' "white Jesus" post and it got like 250 likes. A dopamine hit.
I could justify it and say "He posted something truly ignorant at worst, or was trolling people at best" but isn't that just "eye for eye"? Doesn't Jesus call us (me!) to be better?
So is "snark" ever an appropriate or Christlike response?

Throughout the Scriptures we see the people say and do things to make a point. Moses ground the gold calf into dust and made them DRINK their idolatry.

The prophets don't mince words as they speak out against injustice
They don't back down for the sake of "peace and unity" when faced against idolatry, ethnocentrism, and oppression of the marginalized. They dig their heels and speak boldly what the Spirit has placed on their hearts.
Sometimes it almost appears as sarcasm or arrogance. Think about Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 19. Was his boldness and mockery sin? The Scriptures don't say, but he was clearly doing the work of God in that moment.
In the New Testament, we see John the Baptist, Paul, and yes, Jesus, employ various tactics - hyperbole (exaggeration to make a point), intense language ("You brood of vipers!", "Get behind me Satan!") and other rhetorical tools to help make a point.
On the other hand, we're called to embody the Holy Spirit, characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control.

In other words, if I respond to people that can't be characterized in that way, I'm not in step with the Spirit.
On the OTHER OTHER hand, speaking truth is unpopular and can't always be characterized by "kindness". Jesus is characterized as full of grace and truth - but some of the things he said were HARD and painful.
On the OTHER OTHER OTHER hand, sometimes Twitter and other social media outlets are sometimes a place to have a bit of fun - not everything has to be so serious.

Though...having fun at someone else's expense can be described as bullying.
But when it's a person with a large platform saying offensive and ignorant things, is it a gentle rebuke that is going to correct them? I'm not so sure.
In short, as an Enneagram 9, I'm running in a perpetual circle and my objectivity will be the death of me.

So Justin, here's my advice to you:
Be kind. Speak truth. Be wise in picking your battles.
You can follow @justinsytsma.
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