Paul writes of the urgent necessity of praying 'for all those in authority', but what is the purpose of such prayer? It is so that the Christian may 'lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity' (1 Timothy 2:1ff). Paul then explains what this life means...
It is not a 'leave me alone' life of indifference but rather a dedicated life of sharing God's love and message with others. It is so that the work of the Gospel goes forward unhindered: "For this reason I want the men in every place to pray..." (1 Tim 2:8).
It is not praying for the preservation of a political leader or party or personal comfort, but instead the peaceful ordering of society that most lends itself to the unhindered spread of the Gospel. Civic leadership that works to hinder the good news being proclaimed needs prayer
...and this prayer must be directed not to accomplish our personal preferences or prejudices, but God's great & eternal purposes in and through the Church as it carries on its work. The first responsibility of the Church is prayer. It doesn't stop there but it must begin there.
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