No mechanism exists that I am aware of for delaying a Presidential election. Trump also is aware of this.

Trump is trolling the Left again.

This never gets old.
Trump **wants mail in voting**. He is going to keep trolling them into demanding it.

The key, as per the Supreme Court’s ruling in April, will be the postmarks on mail-in ballots.

Ballots not in the clerk’s hands by Election Day or postmarked by that date are disqualified.
The Democrat’s amazing super power of “discovering” uncounted ballots after Election Day that they **always** got counted days after the election was over to flip close races has been taken away from them.

Trump spent 3 1/2 yrs preparing this ground.


Trump is **still** not going to spill the beans on all the steps being taken by the federal agencies he’s in charge of to ensure Democrats can’t pull their usual dirty election tricks to steal CLOSE RACES.

Although people insist he be stupid & do it right now.
It’s going to help immensely that a great many races, including the one for President, WON’T be close.

Even if people weren’t fleeing this baying-at-the-moon insane Democratic Party in droves -and they are - when the gap is double digits, how do you close it?
Everybody assumes Trump’s plan is to be a passive victim of Democrat’s dirty tricks. He’s just ranting on Twitter hoping it works out for him, somehow.

It’s like he has no cards to play. He has no moves to make.

I’ll say it again: HE CANNOT TELL US IN ADVANCE.
His supporters aren’t the only ones listening.

I’ve spent almost 3 full years now watching Conservative pundits DEMAND Trump sabotage himself RIGHT THIS MINUTE and tell us what he’s really doing so they can have some freaking useless “peace of mind”.


Against a very vicious and determined enemy with SPIES EVERYWHERE.

He couldn’t give less of a crap about Conservative pundit’s peace of mind and neither do I.
“But’s bad for morale to not know what what Trump is really doing!”

You know what’s even worse than throwing a tantrum because the General won’t discuss his real strategy with you while the enemy is listening?

Conservative pundits do two useless things I’ve observed since Trump became President:

1. Yelled advice at him when they know FAR LESS than he does about the Big Picture


2. Demanded he be George Bush and transparently blab his intentions in advance
Did FDR share the real allied plans to win World War 2 with angry radio personalities demanding to know why it was taking so long, it’s been 3 years?

Wictor says this present generation is infantilized. They are like children. We couldn’t even fight WW2 now.
So people of average intelligence now spend all their time telling themselves they are smarter than this President.

Anything he does, they INSTANTLY spot what he missed and was too stupid to plan for because Trump won’t tell us EVERYTHING in play.
When Trump swung the trap shut with that second Executive Order preventing illegals from being counted in the census I had people genuinely convinced they were smarter than Trump & they instantly could see what he missed tweeting at me nonstop.
“Too bad Trump did nothing about...”

“Pretty dumb of Trump not to take into account that...”

“If only Trump had anticipated what Democrats would do...”

How do you know he’s doing nothing about that, didn’t account for it, anticipate it?

“Well...he’d talk about it publicly.”
If you’re absolutely convinced YOUR FEELINGS and your enthusiasm levels are THE most important thing in the world when it comes to Trump & his team saving this country, brace yourself for a shock...
Serious people are engaged in a serious war against enemies within who are determined to destroy this country and I’m so sorry this involves INFORMATION WARFARE and they can’t drop everything to come HOLD YOUR F**KING HAND and tell you the inside baseball information. 🤷‍♂️
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