Super important right now for us all the understand that the behavior of federal agents in Portland is how the US military industrial complex arrives and behaves in other nation states around the world.
It’s scary to watch this apparatus used so violently on US (especially when we just saw the federal govt refuse to deploy this kind of on the ground support to deal with COVID-19) - but know that we (& make no mistake it is done in our names) behave like this all over the globe.
FURTHER MORE - When these SAME troops & combat level engagement protocols were used in Ferguson & Baltimore, America watched on TV & did absolutely fucking nothing.
Everything about Mike Brown’s murder and the local and national response to the Ferguson uprising was for me infuriating but also I found myself feeling a little crazy about what was happening on the ground
Everyone always wants to talk about slippery slopes where they don’t apply, but if you don’t think America was prepped to normalize military troops and tanks rolling down US streets in 2014/2015 - you missing something crucial.
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