The government introduced the New Education Policy yesterday. Allow me to explain how the NEP is a very casteist and classist in this thread:
The NEP has discarded English and made regional languages as the primary medium of education. As a Dalit, being fluent in English is one of my biggest assets. My parents taught me Marathi and Hindi at a young age, but the English I learned at school helped me the most in my life
While rich UC kids will be taught English by their parents/private tutors/coaching classes, poor LC families whose children would've been first-generational English speakers will now be at a disadvantage because school was the only place where they could afford to learn English
3-4% of kids will be identified as geniuses from each class. I wonder which caste is 3-4% in population and considers themselves to be superior. This will further promote a rat-race among students and lead to parents pressuring their kids from a very young age
What about SC/ST kids? The govt has introduced vocational and polytechnic education for us. These courses include teaching skills such as plumbing, painting, carpentry, and other manual work. So the poor LC children who struggle at English, coding, etc can opt for these streams
No rich UC family will let their child take vocational jobs. They will prepare them for IIT/IIM. The poor Dalit child however will be forced into the manual jobs. So a person's occupation will be decided by their birth. Reminds me of a certain something called the caste system.
Coding will be taught from grade 6. The rich kids with their MacBooks will benefit from this. What about the children who do not have access to a computer? PCs cost over 20k at least. Also how are poor kids going to afford practising coding when they were never taught English?
There will also be a greater focus on e-learning with new & modern techonology. Again, this is discriminatory towards poor children. We are currently seeing poor children and their parents literally die by suicide because they can't afford smartphones and an internet connection.
Children will also be made to intern at the local shops and businesses. This will lead to an increase in child labour. Also, India was declared as the most unsafe country for women, who will guarantee the safety of children, especially girls, from getting sexually assaulted?
Sanskrit will be introduced at all schools. What's the point of learning an ancient language instead of foreign ones? Also since everything will be taught in regional languages till grade 5, what about kids who frequently shift cities because their parents get transferred often?
There will be a report card which will feature assessment from classmates. This will lead to children who do not fit in to be bullied and harassed. A lot of children feel they are left out from the popular groups. This will put them at a higher risk of being targeted and bullied
Students can choose subjects of their choice instead of picking rigid streams in 11th. Good move. But 51% of Dalit students drop out of elementary school, and the new policies only make it harder for them to reach higher secondary education.
Students of commerce and arts will be encouraged into applying in IITs. Lakhs of science students apply to IITs, out of which only 10k are chosen in 23 IITs. It has an acceptance rate of 0.7%, how does making more students apply make any sense unless new IITs are being built?
Foreign unis will be allowed to set up in India, which basically means that education is being privatised. Not only willppoor Dalit kids not be able to afford these colleges, they will also not be represented because there will be no reservation, which is a constitutional right.
Colleges will have more autonomy which will lead to reservations not being implemented in these colleges. Bachelor of Arts degree will be made from 3 years to 4 years. Delhi University tried to implement this, and it was a disastrous failure.
M.Phil has been abolished. So what about the students who are currently studying or plan to study M.Phil? What about the students who have just passed their 10th boards, will they choose a stream or subjects they like? What about BA students, will they study for 3 or 4 years?
The NEP will only lead to increasing the economic divide in a country that already suffers from economic inequality. The poor will get poorer while the rich will get richer. Words like holistic, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, overall learning are all just for show.
The real motive of the NEP is to make it easier for the privileged UC to exploit the labour of the Dalits. This will not only kill the hopes and dreams of our children for a better life, but it will also eliminate all competition for the elite to remain at the top and exploit us
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