For anyone giving the Orange Stain any oxygen about "moving" elections, reality check: in the last week of July, political parties get their first accurate polls.

The way I've heard it, internal polls have usually rolled in by now - the real, expensive polls, done by pros. This is when parties start allocating money and staff to candidates, based on hard numbers.
My guess is the Average Voter in Key Precincts DOESN'T LIKE the 20% UNEMPLOYMENT AND STACK OF DEAD BODIES FROM COVID.

And the GOP now know they are SCREWED.
Moreover, this ain't an average election by a *long shot.* Not when the only thing holding back a torrent of Federal cases is Bill Barr, the Garden Slug of Tyranny.

If they know they're this screwed, their last chance is basically to call the election into question.

The entire GOP - every last candidate - should be asked why they're helping Vladimir Putin, the Chinese Communist Party, and the Bonesaw Mafia prove that American democracy is just as rotten as their dictatorships. 😠

This is a PROFANITY. 🤬
Our veterans died for this democracy, this right to vote instead of to have a king, for more than 200 years.

Our civil rights heroes like John Lewis were beaten, persecuted and killed so we all could have the right to vote.

The GOP is attacking that *for our foreign enemies.*
So, dear American citizens of any, every, and no political party, I ask you: please do not even question whether some Mobbed-up shitstain has the "right" to steal this country from every civil rights hero, every veteran, every future generation, and from YOU.

Stop. Them.
This democracy belongs to Americans. Its beating heart is at the ballot box, protected by our laws.

For years that beating heart and its protective laws have been under assault by foreign enemies - and from traitors within our country.

Today. We. Stop. Them.
Nobody is stopping that election, and no patriot - and I stress, of any political leaning or persuasion - should do anything less but dedicate every day to making sure there is NO QUESTION about the strength of American democracy in November.
For every hero. For every citizen. And for every one of our children.

Ben Franklin told us: A Republic, if you can keep it.

Let's keep it, patriots. 💪🇺🇸
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