No, you shouldn’t just spam comments in every tweet you see in your timeline

Engaging like every other task should be done strategically.
Below you see my impressions of MY 2 consecutive days.

I have almost the same no. of tweets(or replies) on both days,

But the difference in impressions is staggering.
Where to engage?

You can have 3 reasons to engage:
1. Build Authority:
In this case, you should engage with people having fewer followers than you.
Retweet or Quote retweet their tweets.
This has 2 benefits:
1. They start liking you and looking up to you.
2. You start to be seen as an authority.
2. To Network
In this case, you engage with people with follower count same as you
This has 2 benefits:
a. You start to become friends with them
b. You start to learn a lot from them

Trust me people at the same level as you are so much more willing to help you.
3. To gain followers
In this case, you should comment under accounts with 10k or 100k + followers

A good comment could expose you to thousands.
1. You want the big account to retweet you:

For this to happen you have to show them that you have been following them for quite some time now.

These comments should be favorable to the account else the chance of getting a retweet decrease exponentially(Sad Reality)
2. You want to target the followers of that big account:
Here you should probably comment in a tweet style, high effort comment, preferably in bullet points.

This comment could be for or against the parent tweet since you are not targeting retweets from that account.
This comment below was liked by Naval himself.
No, I am not flexing, instead, I am telling you that what you comment should be valuable.
How to comment under big accounts

-In bullet points

-A long comment with good spacing occupies a large part of the screen thus increasing the tendency of it being read.

The more area your comment or tweet occupies on the device,
The more tendency it has to be read.
Special Hacks:

Find 10 accounts with 200k + followers in your niche
Remember: The niche must be the same

Now follow them(obviously) and turn on notifications for their tweet

Now, your mission is to comment under their tweet as soon as possible.
But Remember:
- Don't write irrelevant shit in a hurry to be the first to comment.
- VALUE is required else the impressions won’t convert into profile clicks
- Take 2 minutes, Analyses what they are saying and then comment only if you understand
- Comment Value
You don't just want impressions,
You want profile clicks also.

You don't just want profile clicks,
You want followers also.
The correct sequence you should start:

Optimize your profile for the profile clicks to become followers.

Optimize your content so that the impressions turn into profile clicks

Now start tweeting and commenting

Read other comments before commenting.

This increases the chance of you writing something unique.

Don't just rephrase the original tweet,
Write what you think about it

Or, add a new perspective.
If you found this thread useful,
Retweet the original tweet.

Also, My DMs are open for all the help you may need.🙂🙃
You can follow @Devesh_wy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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