A friend of mine spoke to me last night about how someone she knew committed suicide this week.
A reasonably young woman with a good job, two young children but hiding some demons. The person planned her demise rather intricately, left notes all around her house with instructions
on things she wanted done, etc.
My friend was quite angry at the selfishness of the woman; leaving her children, leaving a trail of hurt.
I tried to explain to her that people committing such an act actually think that they are doing the world a favour; making life...
...better for the ones they leave behind. I told her how I'd felt on the occasions my mind had travelled such a path. You are helpess, you don't enjoy life any longer, you wonder how you can make things better; for you and everyone else.
Personally I couldn't jump off a building or hang myself; too much time to regret half way through the act. But I do have a full bottle of valium that I figure would just put me into a permanent sleep. But is it worth it? I once thought it was a selfish thing to do too.
However, as my battle with depression and anxiety has continued, I've become more understanding of the mindset. Life is scary; is death scarier? What will I miss? Will I be missed?
I'm not planning on going anywhere but things change so quickly. So many good people decide to....
....flee all the demons with some finality. One minute things seem fine, next minute your mind embraces the negative. Your talent, your love, your belief....nothing stops you.
Sorry, I read about others tonight who went down the same path. It makes no sense.....
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