Manchester council is holding a planning meeting! In public! Mtf
Shame though, as 6 Music is playing all of Sign o the Times
Now a plan for new co-living space on Water Street, at the old Granada Studios site. One of the blocks = 32 storeys. Local ward councillors are objecting.
Notably the executive passed a strategy on co-living last month, which said the market is 'new and untested'. "Given that the product is untested in Manchester, it is not considered
appropriate to approve a significant level of co-living accommodation."
Fwiw, this scheme has 870 'bedspaces'. It supersedes previous permission for 350 apartments in a more traditional block. It complies with space standards, insists the planning officer and will be managed 'to a very high standard' and 'of the v highest quality'
City centre cllr Jon-Connor Lyons says the scale of this doesn't really represent a 'test' of the market; it would mean a significant increase in the ward population of about 10%. Neither is the extra council tax this would bring in a material planning consideration.
Cllr John Flanagan isn't happy either. He also references the strategy that went through exec earlier this month, which says co-living blocks should comply with MCC's space standards. 'I'm v disappointed' they're not going to 'even attempt that' with the studios in this block
The thing is - this is why you have planning meetings in public, so these debates can happen. Even if things usually end up being voted through anyway in Manchester
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